Tips For A Solid SEO Strategy For eCommerce Websites

Tips For A Solid SEO Strategy For eCommerce Websites

Running an eCommerce website can be difficult with everything you must keep up with. The fact is, you must live knowing there will be no constant. A new algorithm change and all of your hard work can be reset. This is why it's imperative to stay updated on the latest changes happening within the industry. However, Google doesn't make changes without reason. They are always looking to improve their user's experience. As long as you factor that into your SEO strategy, you will guide yourself in the right direction. By keeping that in mind, here are some of the top tips for creating and executing a solid SEO strategy for eCommerce websites.

Tips For A Solid SEO Strategy For SEO eCommerce Websites: 

1. Optimize Your Site For Mobile

One of the most important things you should be doing is catering to the growing segment of mobile users. Mobile accounts for nearly half of all web traffic globally [1]. This is something you cannot ignore as an eCommerce website operator. If you ignore this growing segment of users, you will quickly see yourself falling behind within the organic rankings. Google and other search engine providers know far too well how easily mobile users can get frustrated with an unoptimized experience. Without optimizing your website for mobile devices, you'll find your website getting punished within the rankings as a direct result. Because of this, you want to focus on making changes to your website to ensure smooth and efficient navigation across all-sized mobile devices. This will not only boost your ranking potential but can also improve your visitor's experience. Both of these things can be seen as win-win's for your website.

2. Speed Your Site Up

To achieve the highest possible rankings, your website must perform well. Google doesn't want to reward websites that provide an unoptimized user experience. They want speedy websites to rank high because they know that their users will appreciate it. If your website isn't loading quickly, it will be pushed down in the search engine rankings. There are plenty of different ways to speed up the loading and the navigation of your site to improve your organic rankings. One of the best ways is to decrease the number of plugins you use. You also want to focus on optimizing the images you are using to ensure you aren't increasing the load times of your website unnecessarily.

3. Use Keywords

While you may have been able to create content and keyword stuff in the past, that's no longer the case. However, you don't want to ignore keywords entirely. Your mission should be to use highly searched keywords when it makes sense. You don't want to stuff keywords into your content, headers, or descriptions, but you do want to craft a content marketing plan centered around the right keywords and phrases. Try to target long-tail keywords which can help you improve your rankings across the board and generate more organic traffic to your site without too much competition. Before focusing on certain keywords, you need to do high-quality research. That should allow you to find the right keywords to target for your content creation efforts.

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4. Build Links

You should have a good link-building strategy that you can follow. This should include both internal linking and generating external links. Try to leverage an approach that helps your users. If there is anchor text that makes sense to build internal links for, you can use them. If it doesn't enhance your visitor's experience, avoid linking.

5. Incorporate Social Media 

If you want to craft a solid SEO strategy for eCommerce websites, you must not forget about social media. You cannot have a sound SEO strategy without focusing on your social media efforts. Social media is very important when it comes to getting your website ranking high. Google and other search engines leverage social media signals when they are trying to figure out where to rank your site. You want to attempt to boost the engagement you generate and the shares you get across various social media platforms. All of your social media efforts will have a compounding effect on your website's rankings. The more positive metrics you get across social media, the better your rankings will be.

Final Thoughts On: A Solid SEO Strategy For SEO eCommerce Websites:

As you can see, there is a lot you can do to improve your SEO strategy for eCommerce websites. The key is focusing on your visitor's experience. As long as everything you do enhance their experience while on your site, you will be on the right track. You don't want to do anything to 'game' the system and try to 'trick' search engines into ranking your site. Have a complete SEO strategy that is focused on improving your website for your visitors and you should see sustainable results. Try to incorporate all of the tips above and you won't experience drastic ranking drops the next time an algorithm update comes out.



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