Selling on TeePublic (Tips & Tricks)

Selling on TeePublic (Tips & Tricks) 

This video goings into greater detail and has examples!!! If you'd like to visit our TeePublic store Click Here to visit

What you need to sell on TeePublic

Selling on TeePublic requires only a few steps to setup a store but there are a few things that you'll need. 

  • Facebook account or Valid email
  • Designs
  • Paypal or Payoneer (To get Paid)

Designing your store

Designing your store is important but luckily it simple. If you can setup a Facebook page you can set up your storefront. The greatest challenge you'll have is with the banner and profile pic. Make sure you take time to setup your store and make it look good because TeePublic may not allow your designs to be in the search engine right off the bat. One of the factors that will eventually get your designs in TeePublic's search engine is that your store front is set up correctly.  

What I suggest

 You might be asking "If my designs wont show up in TeePublic's search engine then how am I going to make sales?" The answer is to self promote. As you self promote and start making sales TeePublic looks at that and you have a better chance showing up in the search engine. Do things like asking your friends to help share your store on their social media accounts. A great way to launch a new storefront and new designs is through an email marketing and use a auto responder like AWeber. If you don't have one start to build one because emails have great open rates. With an email list you can directly connect with potential customers effortlessly and you can personalize the emails to cater each recipient.   

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

Sign up for their affiliate program

All you need to do is apply and if you get approved you will be able to set up a store with any product selling on TeePublic. You can even put your own products in the store. This is a great advantage because their are already some great designs out there so why not sell them yourself. You wont need to pay or design anything just promote them and earn a commission on the sales you make. 

For a bonus     

 In the video above at 12:33 I'll show you a great advantage not many know about. 

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