How to Make Money on Amazon as an Affiliate

How to Make Money on Amazon as an Affiliate

Amazon affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online if you have an audience that shops on Amazon. You can refer them to products on the website, and then for every sale that you get, you will get a commission. The commission percentage varies depending on the product category - it's usually between 4-10%. Opening up your affiliate account is easy - just go to affiliate link generator and type in amazon affiliate program.

There are a few ways that you can promote Amazon products as an affiliate. One way is to include affiliate links in your blog posts or on your website.  Also create product reviews and videos about the products, and post them on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Finally, you can run ads promoting Amazon products.

Does Amazon Affiliate Program Have a Catch?

Although Amazon has a wide selection of products and services you can promote, their Cookie for affiliates only last 24 hours. That means that if someone clicks on your affiliate link, buys something from Amazon after 24 hours, and you get credited for the sale, you won't receive a commission.

How Much Commission Do I Get?

Commission rates vary depending on the product category. However, most products offer anywhere from a four to eight percent commission rate.

Some, like Amazon Games give a fix commission of 20%.

How do You Qualify To Be An Amazon Affiliate?

To begin enrollment for Amazon's affiliate program, they call it associate, you need to submit their application. Through the application process, Amazon will determine if your site is suitable. Your site or sites needs to have original content and be accessible through the website address provided in the application.

Once you are approved, Amazon will provide affiliate-specific links to be used in your content. Stay compliant by having disclosure statement that can be found on the bottom of each page of your site. This statement must identify that you are affiliated with Amazon and state the compensation received for any referrals.

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How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

Ready to be An Amazon Affiliate?

Before you jump headlong into affiliate marketing, you should take a moment to consider affiliate advertising. Is your website ready? To become an Amazon affiliate, a site must meet certain criteria and be in good standing with the web community.

The site will need to have original content that is accessible through a traditional URL address. More importantly, it needs to meet certain guidelines.

Make sure your site doesn't do the following:

  • Contain sexually explicit or obscene materials,
  • promote violence or contain violent materials or promote, endorse or incite potentially dangerous or harmful acts,
  • Contain false, deceptive, libelous or defamatory materials,
  • Promote or contain materials or activity that is hateful, harassing, harmful, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, or discriminatory (including on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age)
  • Promote or undertake illegal activities,

And the list goes on.

Tips on how to make money from the Amazon Affiliate program.

Just because you got signed up doesn't mean you'll be making any money. The thing about being an affiliate is that you need to know how to promote your offer. So, here are some tips to promote and make some decent coin.

  1. Pick a niche. This is probably the most important thing to do when affiliate marketing. You want to be able to focus on a specific topic so you can become an expert in that field. When people are looking for information, they'll come to you because you're the authority on the subject. And when they buy through your affiliate link, you earn a commission
  2. Write product reviews and compare products. This is a great strategy if you want to affiliate market on Amazon. You can do product reviews and compare products. For example, let's say that I wanted to promote the Kindle Fire tablet . Well, there are a few other tablets out in the same price range as well like the Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad Mini. If I did comparison posts I can actually put my affiliate links to both and earn a commission on which ever table the customer bought.
  3. Blog. Blogging doesn't sound glamorous but it's still a great way to generate traffic to your affiliate offers. But blogging is a long term game and a lot of hard work. So it might not be the best strategy for someone who wants to make money right away.
  4. Another way to promote affiliate products on Amazon is by creating a video review or tutorial. This can work especially well if you have a blog or website that's devoted to a niche and you can create a video around that specific niche. For example a health blog can have videos you make about health.

Check out 8 Steps to create a Blog for free!

Don't forget about SEO

Search engine optimization is what's going to really set your blog on fire. You want to make sure you're targeting the right keywords and using them in your blog posts, titles, and descriptions. The better you do this the better google will reward you with traffic.

Amazon Affiliate marketing Conclusion

Being an affiliate for Amazon can definitely make you a lot of money but It's not the best if you want to get started right away. If you're looking for a more beginner-friendly affiliate program, then I suggest affiliate networks like Click Bank and Digistore24.

Many believe that affiliate marketing is just copy and past but in reality its a lot of work. You can affiliate market on Amazon but it will take more time then affiliate networks. the decision is up to you, just make sure your making money

When you decide which affiliate program to join, remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes down to affiliate marketing. You have to put in work if you want to succeed.

Thanks for reading!

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