How To Become A Blogger?: A Beginner’s Guide

How To Become A Blogger?: A Beginner's Guide 

Online opportunities are getting more popular by the second and why not? If money can be made by spending time online, then these opportunities should definitely be explored. One of the most common approaches towards making money online is by becoming a blogger.

Not only is a blog very inexpensive to launch, but it can also be done fairly quickly. This guide is for all the beginners that want to learn about blogging. More specifically, it will show how to become a blogger with a solid foundation.

Keep in mind that there is a lot of competition in the world of blogging, which means a good start is critical if the blog is going to compete with others.

Simple Steps to become a Blogger!

1. Find And Develop A Niche

Before any steps are taken to actually launch a blog, do some research first. Because a blog with no specific direction or niche is not going to draw much attention. In fact, it is recommended to choose a niche that you are passionate about. When you are passionate and interested in the topics you post about, you will stay motivated to keep posting.

After short-listing the niches you have experience with and are passionate about, continue to look at "demand". Which of these niches are more likely to appeal to online users? Remember that choosing a popular niche, just like starting a blog, will come with competition.

Thus, you might want to think about putting something out there that is not so readily available. But the main point is to have direction and a plan for where the blog is going.

2. Choose A Platform And Design Your Blog 

The next step involves choosing a platform for your blog. Now, there are several possibilities available, and some of them are free. For example, WordPress and Google Blogger are offering free platforms and tools to get your blog going.

Even though WordPress limits what you can do with a free account, you are provided with the basics that are necessary to launch your blog. The best part is that WordPress and Blogger are both very user-friendly.

However, if you are serious about standing out from the moment your blog goes live, it is recommended to get a custom domain. While this is not free, you do not require a big budget either. Not only does your blog demand more respect because of a custom domain name, but you also have more control.

In terms of designing your blog, try to make it visually alluring without causing disruptions. Too many distractions can send visitors in the wrong direction. You want every visitor to quickly find what they are looking for, while every page loads quickly.

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3. Start Creating Content 

With your niche in place and your platform ready, it is time to post content. This is also referred to as fleshing out the blog and making it worth the visit. But once again, how do you draw attention through the content you post? 

Everything depends on the value of the information. For example, when visitors learn something new or when they are motivated to change their perspective about a certain topic, this is when a blog starts to earn value.

At the end of the day, online users do not want to waste time on blogs where nothing new is being said. In other words, you have to give them a reason to come back, which is done through your content. If you can share experiences or knowledge not readily available on other blogs, you can inspire users to return.

4. Always Keep Visibility In Mind 

Even though programming or coding is not necessary when you think about how to become a blogger, there are technical areas you should pay attention to. These technical areas are based on visibility.

How high are search engines ranking your blog? Are users able to find you via your keywords? Is the blog loading pages without lag and do you have broken links that might frustrate your visitors?

If this sounds a little overwhelming right now, do not feel alone. The good news is that you learn these technical aspects as you go along. Some are more challenging than others, but with experience comes knowledge.

5. Be Consistent 

If you want users to take your blog seriously, you have to be consistent, even when you are not generating loads of traffic. Seeing as so many other bloggers come and go, you have to take time to establish your blog. Once users notice you keep posting and moving forward, they automatically pay more attention.

The Steps On How To Become A Blogger Does Not Have To Be Complicated 

As mentioned, you do not have to worry about coding or programming if you use the right platform. However, you should always stay open-minded while you dig deeper into the niche you choose. And once you have a steady following, you can turn your blog into a money-maker.

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