How Does Zazzle Make Money From Products

How Does Zazzle Make Money From Products

Are you planning to sell your products on Zazzle? Well, you might be wondering how does Zazzle make money. Here is what you need to know about Zazzle, how the company makes its profits and how you can make money from the site effortlessly.

What Is Zazzle?

It is a print-on-demand site where you can sell your products such as clothes, art pieces, stationery, bedding and other creative pieces. Zazzle discourages bulk ordering so you never have to waste your inventory. With millions of customers interested in the site, you will always have someone ready to buy your products, especially if they are trendy. Open an account on Zazzle today and start making money.

How Does Zazzle Make Money?

When you sell anything on Zazzle, the company keeps the original price of the product and you can keep the profits. Therefore, with millions of products up for sale on the site, the company makes a huge bottom-line in the long run.

How Can You Make Money On Zazzle?

If you have signed up on Zazzle, here are some of the top ways you can make a lot of money from the site.

1.Make A Lot Of Products 

If you have signed up as a designer, you need to make a lot of products. If you are selling art pieces or photographs, you need to have a huge catalog of products. You never know when people will buy them. Take as many orders as you can so you can make a lot of money on the site.

2.Adjust Your Royalties 

You might be feeling a little skeptical about increasing your royalties when you are simply looking to make money on the site. However, you can set lower royalties when you get started but increase the percentage as you sell more products on the site.

3.Add Text To The Products 

When uploading new products, you should consider adding text to the products. If possible, use relevant keywords that will help your products entice new online users. There are endless options for the type of texts you can use on your product descriptions. However, you need to make sure that it is related to the type of product you are selling.

4.Add Proper Tags To Your Products 

It’s very easy to tag your products on Zazzle. When you upload a new product, you will be instantly prompted to add tags so don’t forget to do it. Currently, Zazzle only uses 10 tags in the search engine but you should add more tags that might be useful on other search engines such as Google. Choose the right tags to make sure that interested customers can find your products effortlessly.

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How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

5.Be On The Lookout For New Product Launches 

Zazzle is always adding new products to the site. Some of these products are bound to be huge hits. Even after creating your store and uploading your products, you should always be on the lookout for new products to customize. Read through the available forums to stay in the loop on the products that you might never know otherwise.

6.Create Separate Stores 

Once you have started out on Zazzle, you can spend the time focusing on your first store. You can sell different images and products to identify the products in high demand. On the other hand, if you have a specific image that generates a lot of sales, you can use it on numerous products for the best results.

After your first store becomes successful, the next step is branching out and creating specialized stores. With one store, a customer can find your product and leave with at least 5 items in their cart. However, you need to make sure that your store offers those exact items without leaving the store. When you create specialized stores, make sure they are themed so customers can have an easy time finding what they want.

7.Categorize Your Products 

If you have a store with multiple products, you need to create categories to help customers find the products they are interested in. Note that, these categories should vary depending on the specific store and the products you are selling. If you have varying images, choose a different category for each type.

Categorizing your products can be advantageous in a lot of ways. For instance, if a customer looks at a specific product, Zazzle lists other products in the same category for customers who are interested. Therefore, if you have related products in the same category, customers can buy more than one product from you.


You don’t have to struggle to make money on other tough online marketplaces when you can do it on Zazzle. Now that the question ‘how does Zazzle make money’ has been answered, you have an idea of how to curate your products to get the most income from the site. 

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