Using Google Sites for Affiliate Marketing: Pros and Cons.

Using Google Sites for Affiliate Marketing: Pros and Cons.

Can google sites be used for affiliate marketing? Yes, google sites can be used for affiliate marketing. Google sites are an easy way to create a website without all the hassle of hosting and domain registration. Not to mention google sites are also free! Here are some pros and cons of google sites and some strategies that can make you money as an affiliate using google sites.

Pro and Cons of using Google Sites for Affiliate Marketing.

Pro #01: Google sites are free!

One of the reasons google sites can be great for affiliate marketing is their low cost. When I mean, I mean free. You don't have to worry about paying a monthly fee or anything like that.

Pro #02: Google sites are easy to use.

Another reason google sites work so well for affiliate marketers is that they're easy to use, and they limit most of your need for technical knowledge. Google Sites uses templates that allow users with little website-building knowledge to create professional-looking websites. All without the hassle of having an actual domain name registered on hosting services.

Pro #03: You own the site!

When you create a website using google sites, you actually own the site. Unlike some free hosting services, google gives users complete control over their websites (including the ability to delete them at any time). This is great for those who want more ownership and flexibility over their online presence.

Pro#04: Google site authority.

The google site that you create is given a google domain. So, for example, "" Google likes to see that their google sites are being used, and they want to rank them highly in search results (see other blogs on google rankings). This means more organic traffic! As your google site gains authority due to increased links from other websites, it will continue to gain additional benefits - such as higher ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

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Con #01: Limited design options.

While google sites are easy to use, there is a downside to this level of simplicity – you don't have as much control over the look and feel of your website as you would with other site-building tools. This can be a pro or con, depending on your preferences.

Con #02: Google Adsense integration is not perfect.

Google Adsense is a program that allows you to place ads on your website to make money. Unfortunately, google sites' integration with Adsense is not perfect. You may have to do some tweaking to get it working just like you want it.

Con #03: Limited storage space.

One downside of google sites compared to other site-building tools is its limited storage space. If you're looking to create a large website with lots of multimedia content, google sites may not be the best option for you. However, if you're only planning on using it for primary affiliate marketing purposes, this shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Con#04: Google site rankings can be unpredictable.

Google site rankings are a little bit unpredictable. What I mean is, google will not always rank your google site the way you want it to. Sometimes you'll have to put in some extra effort to make sure your google site ranks as high as possible in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Now that we know the pros and cons, here are some affiliate marketing strategies that can use google sites to your advantage.

Affiliate Marketing strategies with Google sites.

- Affiliate product reviews

Reviewing products is a great way to make money as an affiliate marketer, but most people are unaware of how powerful google sites can be for this strategy. When you create a google site using the review template, you have several different ways to display information about your chosen topic or product – including custom HTML and CSS code that allows more flexibility than just inserting images into text descriptions (the standard method). This means there's no reason why you couldn't include all sorts of multimedia content on your website without bogging it down with heavy load times due to bloated webpage size.

- Step by step tutorials/instructions

Another google site template that can be great for affiliate marketers is the "How-to" template. This google site template allows you to create step-by-step instructions on doing something, which makes it perfect for creating tutorials or other instructional content. You could even create a google site that teaches users how to do something they need to start an affiliate marketing business (like setting up Google Adsense).

- Community sites

Many people who work online are looking for community websites to connect with like-minded individuals. Google Sites is great for creating these communities since it offers all the tools necessary to communicate and share information with other members on your website. This makes google sites perfect for building audiences around different niches or topics.

-Create a resource site

Everyone loves free resources, but not everyone likes looking for them. Many affiliate offers have a free trial or discount. Create your site around a niche and offer resources for free! Use your content to aggravate your resources' problem and point them to it.

-Create a news site

Whatever niche your site is about, there will be breaking news. You can post content around the latest news in your place with your google site. This is great because not only do google sites come with a suitable authority for SEO; The latest news doesn't have a lot of competition to be in google SEO ranking.

Final Thoughts on Google Sites for Affiliate Marketing

Using google sites can be great if you want complete ownership over your website without having to deal with the costs associated with more advanced services. However, this level of simplicity also limits some control over design options and storage space.

As you can see, google sites are not only easy to use and free (for basic accounts), but they're also well equipped for affiliate marketing purposes. While there are some limitations in design options and storage space, the benefits outweigh these disadvantages in many cases when using them with your strategies as an affiliate marketer!

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