What is CPA Marketing!! Is it right for you?

What is CPA Marketing! Is it right For you?

What is CPA Marketing?

 CPA marketing is often called cost per action or cost per acquisition and is a form or a style of affiliate marketing. CPA marketing is also referred to as Performance Marketing. Affiliate marketing requires a sale to be made so that you can earn a commission for your referral.

While most CPA affiliate marketing offers do not require a sale to be made but as the name suggest only an action. Though there are some CPA offers that require you to make a sale to get paid, the action that needs to be perform can be a clicking a link or collecting an email. These CPA Offers can be promoted through many different way but some popular ways are paid ads, blogs and email marketing.

How does it work?  

This will be a simplified example of CPA marketing. Further more the following is what happens after contacting a CPA network and getting offers to promote.  

  • First, you need to generate traffic and direct them through your sales funnel, which can be made with Click Funnels. (Check out our Click Funnels review) This can be through paid ads or organic.
  • Second, people in your sales funnel need to perform the action required for you to get paid. which can be a click, inputting an email or as simple as watching a video.
  • Third, the CPA network gets the data from your sales funnel and pays you according to how many actions where performed.   
  • Fourth, simply adjust to make it more efficient and repeat.    

Where can you do CPA marketing?

You can do CPA marketing anywhere online as long as the offers are within the guidelines of whichever platform your using. Platforms like Facebook and Google have very strict guidelines and many CPA offers will get you account shut down.

Which causes many affiliate to use websites, like a blog or solo ads are a popular ways to promote CPA offers. The guidelines are much easier to follow if they have guidelines at all.

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How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

CPA Marketing Pro's and Con's

There is a up and downside to anything and here are some important ones to consider for CPA marketing.


  • It pays!! There is a lot of competition out there for CPA marketing. Max bounty is a great example, Max Bounty is are a CPA network with 20,000 affiliates.   
  • You wont run out of offers. Again to bring up max bounty but they have over 2,000 running offers 
  • It does not take all day to do. The initial setup may take sometime but after that its all about collecting data and optimizing your sales funnel.


  • Tough competition. CPA affiliates are usually more experienced do to the tougher approval process.
  • Strict rules
  • It's actually pretty tough the get approval if you're brand new. Most CPA networks have standards and you need to meet them.
  • The learning curve is steep. You can make a lot of money but you can also lose a lot of money if you don't know what you're doing

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CPA marketing is profitable if you do it right. If you're Just starting off one thing you could do is watch a lot of YouTube videos and hope to get the right info.

 Also, you could find someone to show you how to build your sales funnels, run ads, generate organic traffic and set up an email campaign. If that is what you want then click here!

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