Click Funnels Review

Click Funnels Review

Points of Interest 

I know when looking for a tool to better your business there are many aspects of that product you can considering. This article doesn't cover all of them but I focused on the factors that are important to me when choosing a new tool for my company. Which are pricing, their stats, Quality of the tool/software, versatility, and easy of use.        


Click Funnels has two plans available on their website, basic and platinum. Basic is priced at $97/month that can drop down to $80/month if you pay for a year up front. While the platinum plan is $297/month that can drop down to $247/month if you paid annually. 

Basic vs Platinum    

Basic has some significant limits to the amount of custom domains, users, visitors, pages and amount of funnels. These limitations wont actually hamper you if you're just starting out. If your funnels have a lot of traffic and you have a lot of different niche's that you're in then platinum though $200 more a month would be well worth it. 

Here is a small comparison



20 funnels

Unlimited funnels

100 pages

Unlimited pages

20,000 visitors

Unlimited visitors

1 sub user

3 sub users

3 custom domains

10 custom domains

Click Funnel's Stats  

Here are some Useful stats on Click Funnels that they're proud of. They have over 151.9k users that have collected 1.49B contacts. Click Funnels claims to have 7.94m funnels that processed 9.5B dollars. 

151.9k users shows me that their are other options but also that 151.9 people fined that either the basic or the platinum plans are worth it. I'm sure some have left Click Funnels but the ratio between contacts collected and users is great! Also, the fact that 151.9k caused $9.5B to be processed makes me want to get a piece of the pie.   

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

The Quality of Click Funnels   

As a business owner you're always having to sell something. It's obvious when selling your product, service, brand or experience that presentation is important. I personally use Click Funnels and you can make them look anyway I want, from a simple sign in form with only a few lines of text to a landing page that is beautiful and can be approve by Facebooks strict guidelines. Due to the drag and drop funnel editor they have every funnel will look as good as you can design it.

We all know looks are important but without your sales funnel working properly you'll loose too many sales. Their support is okay but you can test your funnel before your use it. Personally, I haven't had any problems with my funnels because I tested before I put them into paid ads.      

Click Funnels Versatility 

Versatility is really where Click Funnels shines. You can make into anything you want. They have templates for video sales letters, reverse squeeze, store front funnel and a lot of others. You can add multiple pages to your funnels or just have an Optin form and link it straight to the offer or thank you page.    

Click Funnel's Ease of Use

The actual designing of the funnel is easy. If you can use a drag and drop system you can build on Click Funnels. What most people who are just starting out would need help with is connecting the funnel to your autoresponder or website or just your current domain. 

Click Funnels Training 

I personally haven't gone through their training because Click Funnels is so easy to use I didn't think I needed it. I watched some of their free stuff but I didn't think I needed it but if you want it, it's there for you. 


I wouldn't call Click Funnels cheap but they definitely give you a lot of bang for your buck. If you're looking for a cheap there are definitely other services that are less expensive but you won't get the kind of quality that you will with Click Funnels. Overall I give Click Funnels a 8.9/10

Click Funnels is only a small part of a successful online business email marketing can increase your money making potential 

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