Can Email Marketing breathe life into your dying small business?

Can Email Marketing breathe life into your dying small business?

Can Email Marketing breathe life into your dying small business?

Can Email Marketing breathe life into your dying small business?

Pouring your blood sweat and tears into a business just to see it fail is heartbreaking. The feeling of failure eats away at you as your small business crumbles. But there’s hope, a chance to save your business and your dreams. Now I’m not talking about some “feel good” false hope where you sit by and wish.

This hope is real because Email Marketing has a track record that puts Usain Bolt to shame. I mean if this was archery Email Marketing would make Robin Hood look silly.

In the following paragraphs, You’ll learn exactly how email marketing can breathe life into your small business. Reviving the thrill of possibility and giving you the pop back in your step.

I can write that with confidence because Email marketing’s average Roi is $38 for every $1 spent.

What can email marketing do for your business?

Email marketing can make your business run on all 8 cylinders with a turbo to boot. Because Email marketing has a crazy ROI of $38 for every $1 spent. To make it a little clearer 25–35% of your total revenue should come from email marketing (bluestout). But that’s not all email generates 174% more total conversions than social media (mail Munch). That’s the bottom line. email marketing can get you more conversions. More conversion means more revenue. More revenue means your businesses will no longer be anemic. Your business can have the strength to compete and win. Instead of struggling to pay the bills.

This is no secret. Many other small businesses use email marketing for this very reason. 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers (HubSpot). Being 36% of small businesses that don’t use email is like fighting with one hand tied behind your back. You’re going to take a hit and if you fall, its even harder to get up.

How does email marketing have such a high ROI?

Email Marketing has an insane ability to reach people. There are 4 billion daily email users and is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. (Statista, 2021). There are about 8 billion people on earth and about half use email. 99% of those users check their email daily. You won’t be wasting your time and money sending messages to people who will never see them.

By sending emails you’ll engage customers, create customer loyalty, and drive sales. If cart abandonment is an issue, Cart abandonment emails will be the best closers your business has. Because 21% of all cart abandon emails are clicked through and 50% of the users who clicked purchase.

Don’t worry about bothering your customers with emails. That’s because Statista found that 49 percent of respondents said they would like to receive promotional e-mails from their favorite retail brands on a weekly basis.

What is Email Marketing?

It is the use of email to promote products or services. Now, this can be done manually through a free email account, but most businesses use autoresponders. Autoresponders help collect, organize, and send emails automatically so you don’t need to spend hours connecting to each customer. Giving you more time to manage your business.

But you don’t want just any autoresponder. Some are super technical and made for multimillion-dollar companies. While others offer you low-cost services but outsource delivering your emails. So, you’ll have less control, and your emails might not reach the inbox reliably.

Now, there are a lot of working parts to email marketing. Like, landing pages, forms, list segmenting, tagging, email design, newsletters, and reports.

But don’t feel overwhelmed because of an autoresponder service called Aweber.

Aweber is a free email autoresponder service designed for small businesses. Aweber never outsources your emails being delivered so you can have accurate statistics and reliable deliverability. They are extremely beginner-friendly and simple to use. Even if you have trouble with something they have some of the best customer services that can be reached 24/7. So, you won’t have to do all this on your own. Aweber’s service includes forms landing pages tagging and list segmenting newsletters and reports. This keeps things simple with everything you need in one place. Its base plan is 100% free so there is no risk to try them out. You don’t even need to enter a credit card. Click here if you want to know more


Email Marketing can breathe life into your business. It’s not over, there is still hope. This is not a magic wand that’ll make you rich, but it’ll definitely help. It has a great ROI when done correctly. 

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