Building Sales Funnels For Your Clients

Building Sales Funnels For Your Clients

 When building sales funnels for your clients, you will want to get the core fundamentals right. This is where a lot of people struggle as they look to figure out what works and what doesn't.

Keeping this in mind, you will want to learn how to start building sales funnels for your clients. It will make it easier to set up processes that are proven to work and are going to yield solid results in terms of conversions.

Here is a look at what it takes when it is time to start building sales funnels for your clients.

1. Complete Integration of Digital Assets 

You will want to start with integrating all of the digital assets into a singular sales funnel. The idea behind doing this is to make sure the business and all of its digital assets are intertwined.

This includes the landing page(s), website, social media accounts, email autoresponders, and everything in between.

You will want to make sure there is a clear connection to the sales funnel with these assets. It's the only way to make sure anyone that interacts with the assets will end up going through the sales funnel without interruption.

This is how you are going to increase the underlying conversion rate.

2. Clutter-Free Navigation 

How easy is it to navigate through the sales funnel from the starting point?

This is a key detail to think about when it comes to your client's vision. You want to ensure it flows freely and your client isn't left struggling due to navigational issues.

This can include reduced speeds, too many popups, or anything that interrupts the customer's buying process.

In a sales funnel, you want to minimize these interruptions to make sure they get to the checkout step.

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3. Customer-Friendly 

When looking to build sales funnels for your clients, it's important to think about what the customer wants.

This means setting up a sales funnel that is easy to go through and isn't going to take away from what the business stands for. This includes the type of product/service you are selling and how it is advertised in the sales funnel.

You want things to be set up in a way where it is a no-brainer for the customer every step of the way.

4. Following the Brand's Vision

The brand's vision is one of the more underrated components of building a full-fledged sales funnel. You have to make sure to incorporate this into the thought process of what you are going with and what you end up designing.

A good sales funnel should flow with the rest of the brand's identity.

If you are professional and have specific colors on your website then that should be seen in the sales funnel too.

This is what the client is going to expect as soon as they go through the funnel and that is how you are going to showcase signs of legitimacy.

5. Focus on Upsells and Loyalty

One of the key details businesses don't think about enough has to do with upsells and building loyalty. This means retaining a customer that gets all the way through to the checkout page.

When a client is at the checkout page, they are intrigued to the point of taking out their credit card. This is when you can tap into that interest and seal the deal on an upsell. This is when you tag on additional products/services they can buy along with what they are already interested in.

A lot of the time, this is a much easier sell because they are already prepared to buy.

Along with upsells, you also want to collect their email address to build a loyal email list. This is an email list you can continue to advertise to for a long time to come.

6. Don't Forget The Analytics 

Are you taking the time to collect data?

There is a lot to learn from failed and successful purchases. Just because someone exits the sales funnel doesn't mean you can't learn something from the failure.

You will want to know whether or not there is a specific part of the sales funnel that is letting you down. This is key information that can help make changes to the sales funnel before the next client enters.

You also want to take a look at the upsells and which ones tend to the best.

All of this information is only possible when you are taking the time to go through the data.

Final Thoughts 

This is how you are going to see impressive results while building a comprehensive sales funnel.

Take your time when designing the sales funnel and make sure it works well with the rest of the digital assets. When done right, this is going to take your business to new heights.

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