Are affiliate marketing courses worth it?

Are affiliate marketing courses worth it?

Are affiliate marketing courses worth it?

If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably seen ads on social media selling you an affiliate marketing course. Some of these courses are as low as $7 to over $1000. I’ve purchased both the low-cost courses and the ones with a few more zeros on the price tag. I feel some were useless to me while others were surprisingly helpful and had resources that helped in my day-to-day affiliate marketing. I’ll post my recommended courses at the end of this article. Let’s cover what the low-cost courses really are?

What are Low-cost affiliate marketing courses really about?

Low-end, impulse buying prices are a great way to tell how in-depth the course is. Usually, low-cost and free courses cover affiliate marketing in a very broad and shallow way. When you’re watching an ad promising to get you financially free while working from a beach, does it make sense that it will only cost $7?

No, it doesn’t, and that’s the first clue.

Here’s what’s going on. Free and low-cost courses are bait to get you hooked. Then they’ll hit you up for the higher-end course. 

Low-cost courses can provide value, but you’re not likely to walk with all the knowledge you need to succeed at affiliate marketing.

Is a Low-cost affiliate marketing course worthless?

That depends on how knowledgeable you are about affiliate marketing. If you’re entirely new to affiliate marketing, it’s not worthless. Think of the low-cost courses as the introduction to affiliate marketing.  You’ll be able to get a taste of affiliate marketing and figure out if this is something you want to pursue.

Higher-end courses tend to be more focused and give you more insider information.

What are High-end affiliate Marketing courses really about?

When I say High-end, I mean a price of $1000 or more. Now I’m going to be straight up and say this is where you get your money’s worth. This is where the course creators really deliver. Usually, these courses dive deep into affiliate marketing. From my experience, not only will they give you easy-to-follow instructions.  

These courses are regularly updated with what is working right now. They’ll help you with strategy, what pitfalls to avoid, how to save money, swipe files, and recommend tools to help you get an edge on the competition. 

Most of the time, you’ll need to go through the free or low-cost courses to get to the High-end courses.

If you want to know how to pick the right offer read this.

What to look for in an affiliate marketing course?

No matter how much money you spend, you want your money’s worth. So here are some guidelines for picking a course.

The first thing to look for is who is teaching the course. If they’re selling a course about affiliate marketing but never made a dime doing it, then run, save your money. You want to learn from someone with real-world experience in affiliate marketing and is living the life you want.

Secondly, see if there’s some sort of coaching, a forum, or support that you can get answers to your questions. No matter how good the course is, you’ll have questions, and if you get lost, you need someone there to get you back on track.

Thirdly, is there a community? Having a community for support can keep you going when you get discouraged and doubts set in. Plus, some of the best insights that you'll get about affiliate marketing will come from other people’s questions.

What are the benefits of affiliate marketing courses?

I’ve mentioned a few benefits of taking an affiliate marketing course but here’s a list I found true.

  • Speeds up progress by months to years
  • Easier to find answers to questions
  • Increases overall knowledge about affiliate marketing
  • Access to affiliate networks that may be hard to get into.
  • Insider knowledge of the industry
  • Helps you avoid pitfalls like getting accounts banned.
  • Saves you money in the long run.
  • Answers questions you didn’t know to ask.


I believe affiliate Marketing courses are worth Taking. Mainly for the progress that you’ll make while taking it. They say knowledge is power, and that’s true. An affiliate Marketing course will empower you with the right tools and know-how to make leaps and bounds toward your financial goals.  At the same time, you are avoiding costly mistakes that many newbies make.


Super Affiliate System

This one will make you a competent affiliate marketer. If you’re brand-new to affiliate marketing, this is the best choice because of all the bonuses they give. Once you join the course, you can get a free website domain and landing page builder. Plus, you get weekly webinars. Their resource section is off the chain with targeting data, swipe files, ad networks, and landing pages you can upload to your website. If you need to go from 0 to 100 fast, the Super Affiliate system is the one to go with. The creator of the super affiliate system is John Crestani, who started as a working joe and then turned to affiliate marketing when he lost his job. I tried to look up some facts about him, but he makes enough to own a ranch in Malibu.

Click the link below to take this simple quiz to see if the Super Affiliate System is right for you.

Click Here!

Powerhouse affiliate

At the time of this article, the website was down. Once it’s up, I’ll write more about it.

Entre Institute

This one is for those that want a complete life transformation. They start you off with the basic course Entre Blueprint but then give you an option to dive deep and take their accelerator courses.  You’ll have a choice between three online business models with low start-up costs. One of which is affiliate marketing.

Every course is taught by an entrepreneur that is successful in the area they teach.

Entre has a lot of self-development available.   

The community and support are unparalleled. I can honestly say that Entre institute is why I discovered I love building an online business.   

Entre has the best community and training. You’ll need to go through the first introduction course before getting into the good stuff, but it’s worth it.

Click here.

If you're having a hard time committing, find out How much do affiliate marketers make?

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