Affiliate Marketing: How to Pick the Right Offer!

Affiliate Marketing: How to Pick the Right Offer!

Affiliate Marketing: How to Pick the Right Offer!

Affiliate Marketing: How to Pick the Right Offer!

There are countless offers for affiliate marketers to choose from. The question then is not where to find offers but how to sift through the rubbish to find your golden ticket to profit? The approach you're going to learn about is not the typical way to find the right offer. Instead of copying what everyone else is doing or just looking at what is working right now, you will learn to get ahead of the curve by finding fresh, profitable, and honest offers—building trust between you and your audience and list. 

If you want to know more about the basics of affiliate marketing click here

Why is it essential to pick the right Affiliate offer?

As an affiliate marketer, you know how much work actually goes into getting a sale. Either you're making content or creating ads that can be wildly profitable. But, with the wrong offer, all your effort and money you've invested will go to waste. 

Think about this. A normal conversion rate (the rate that someone buys the offer) for a ClickBank offer is between 1%-5%. Say your current offer is converting at 1% but if you find an offer that converts 2% you just doubled your conversions with the same amount of effort and money invested. That means you just doubled your profit because you went the extra mile to find the right offer. 

Guidelines for picking your best affiliate offer.

The following is what I look for when searching for a killer offer. They're not in any particular order so feel free to prioritize based on your preference.  

1) Does the offer match your audience or your target audience.

Having the right offer to market match is huge. You're not going to make a lot of money selling dog collars to cat lovers. To make sure the offer matches your audience, research is critical. You need to know your audience's gender, values, problems, wants desires, goals, and general income level. The more you know, the better. Don't assume anything about your audience. Because knowing your audience will help you narrow your search for offers and help you market more effectively. 

2) Is the offer unique?

This one is hard to find because success leaves clues. As soon as something works, copycats come on the scene and clone the offer. So, what do you do?

Again, it comes down to research. Look up and compare offers. List out the features and benefits. Look at the language they use and how they solve your audience's problem. Answer the question, "what makes this different?" because many times, your audience has tried and failed to get results before. This offer needs to be different to give them hope and be believable. 

3) The "No Brainier" rule.

By "No Brainer," I mean is it a good deal. If you were in the market, would you buy the offer? This is where value comes into play. Don't think that is it cheap. Is the offer more value to your audience than how much it costs? 

Now the product and the offer are different. The main product may be a dog collar, but the offer may be a dog collar with free dog tags and engraving. 

4) Are Other affiliates making sales?

This is all about spying on the competition. This is actually a widespread way to find good offers. What you want to look for is market saturation. How many ads do you see? How many blog posts, social media posts, and videos are around talking about the offer. 

This is important because you might be too late in the game to make any money with the offer. Now, if you see some ads and posts, that's okay. But if it's everywhere, take the hit and move on. 

5) Can You Promote it on your favorite platform?

This one is heartbreaking. Sometimes you find a great offer that your audience or target audience will love, and you find out you can promote it where you want to. 

If you have a list to promote to, then no worries.

Before you promote and offer, always look for limitations on the offer. Some offers are illegal in certain areas. While some keywords can't be used to promote an offer, and they'll ban you if you do.

Next, check if your offer violates any community guidelines. I didn't check and got permanently band from running ads on Facebook. 

6) Are the commissions large enough?

This one is simple and straightforward. If you run ads, is it reasonable to make a profit? Sometimes a commission will be too low even if it's a great offer. It's generally easier to make five sales of a $100 product than to make 100 sales of a $5 product. 

7) Pick an affiliate offer you can get behind.

This is just personal advice I would give to a friend. Only promote offers you can be proud that you promote. To be totally honest, every time I promoted something I didn't feel right about, I lost followers, and my list got less engaged. Even if I made some money off of it, it wasn't worth it. At the end of the day, you need to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be good with what you see.   

If you want to know more about building a list and how it can help you make money in affiliate marketing Click Here


This is not the only way to find the right offers, and it's not a guarantee you'll find that golden ticket offer. But following these guidelines has helped me, and I'm sure they'll help you get to where you want to go. The offer is not the only thing that goes into affiliate marketing. If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and making money online, subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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