The Common Types of Content Marketing

The Common Types of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and publishing materials to boost brand awareness, generate leads, create sales, and offer value to customers. Compared to other channels, it delivers 3 times as many leads, costs 62% less, and your company is 13 times more likely to see a positive return on income. When done properly, content marketing can ideally establish your company as a trusted authority in your niche.

Well, content marketing can be done through different channels and various types of content. The type you pick should depend on your audience's preference. We cannot say which content type would best suit your business, needs, but we can at least describe the common types of content marketing.

Common Types of Content Marketing

Blog Posts

If you're yet to tap into the art of blog content marketing, then you're missing out on one of the most cost-efficient and powerful ways to enhance your site's SEO, get organic traffic, and establish your brand as an authority in your niche. Quality blog posts also encourage more interaction from your readers and create an opportunity to form a community around the brand.

You can roll out blogs relatively fast with a minimal additional cost but to truly reap the benefits of blogging, you need to publish content that's either comparable or surpasses the content already available on the web.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating blog posts:

  1.  You can't create good content by accident, so strategize. Great blog posts are often the product of competitive analysis, research, and a thorough comprehension of your audience's interests.

    2. Create both specific and broad topics on a subject and organize them accordingly.

    3. Ensure your headlines are written in a manner that sparks interest and include relevant keywords.


This is another integral part of content marketing. Video surpasses all other forms of content, with over 50% of people saying they would rather watch videos from the brand they support. This type of content is means to either entertain, engage new leads or inform.

Videos have the ability to grab the attention of the audience through more than just a catchy title; they also implement visuals that catch a person's eye. Also, video consumption has been growing significantly, especially in this pandemic era.

Also, videos are especially effective due to their versatility. They come in many different forms, from vlogs that show the authenticity of those behind a brand and webinars that give detailed how-to's, to commercials that present an overview of your brand to new audiences.

Long-Form Articles

As discussed earlier, blogging is one of the most common strategies that businesses use to garner traffic. Nowadays, people want more in-depth content that will offer them genuine utility.

Long-form content has become one of the most effective trends in the search engine and optimization field. Long-form articles are exactly as they sound like, bulkier posts that provide a more comprehensive scope on a certain subject.

Long-form posts are usually over 1500 words and often between 5000 and 20000 words. Due to their sheer volume, they give you a bigger chance of ranking high for niche-specific keywords.

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Infographics & Images

Similar to video content, images and infographics speak to the audience in a manner that written posts alone can't. They automatically grasp attention and present information in a way that's quick to process.

Images supplement the audience's reading experience when they are couples with written content. On the other hand, infographics are especially useful in giving your audience data and statistics.

Images in the form of Gifs and Memes, which are the most shared types of content, can lend lightheartedness to your social media feed or blog and even an opportunity for brand exposure as good memes tend to go viral.


You can also provide your audience with a substantial amount of benefit by publishing an eBook. You don't have to publish an eBook the size of a novel, but they are considerably longer than any other form of content on this list. Here, the keyword is value. An eBook shouldn't be a 5-10 page of marketing. Instead, it should provide insight and useful information to your audience regarding their needs and challenges.

Also, consider having some kind of form for people to fill out when downloading your eBook. This will come in handy in generating leads.

Email Marketing

Although this is last on our list of common types of content marketing, it should be at the top of your priorities when publishing content. Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers or leads. Decades after its invention, email marketing still has one of the biggest turnover rates and return on income (ROI), compared to other types of content marketing.


There are several other forms of content marketing, but these have proven to be the best when it comes to boosting awareness and generating interest and sales.

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