A Short Guide To What Sells Online

A Short Guide To What Sells Online

For many people, the global pandemic has led to the loss of their primary source of income. There are many businesses that could not weather the storm of the regulations that prevented many from leaving their homes to shop at bricks and mortar stores – and job losses resulted.

However, at the same time, many were confined to a home office – and those consumers began to realize that the Internet was their lifeline. They could order just about anything they needed over the ‘net. That ranged from toys and meals to clothing, household goods, and even luxury items such as big-box electronics. The profits of online retailers soared, but even before COVID-19 sales from eCommerce were growing exponentially.

In fact, after a dip in 2020, eCommerce came roaring back to the levels last seen before the pandemic (sales grew 6.8%) – and those sales were worth $25.052 trillion – and are expected to grow at a similar rate in 2022. People who wanted to be their own boss began to think about the possibilities of making an income from the Internet – but for those people, the first question was ‘what sells online?’

As with any business the key to eCommerce success is identifying which products are in high demand, having the skills to identify just what those products are (and being able to pivot should new products gain in popularity) and, perhaps most of all, having the focus and drive to succeed in what is, after all, a highly competitive marketplace.

So, what sells online?

Let’s take a closer look at some categories, taking the above into consideration.

1. Toys.

This is an evergreen category. Parents and caregivers are continually looking for toys that will keep the younger generation entertained. The increasing popularity of toys that foster an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills is also driving the market.

This is a market that has shown steady growth – in fact, sales of educational toys grew 294% from mid-2020 to mid-2021. The beauty of this market is that it is incredibly wide, making focus a challenge – but if the online entrepreneur can find a niche they can avoid some of the competitive pressures that make eCommerce such a cutthroat business. Think plush toys, electronic toys, toys for toddlers and infants, miniatures or outdoor toys. The list is almost endless.

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

How To Easily Make Money Online With A Legit Business

2. Shoes.

The year-on-year growth (2020 -2021) in the sale of shoes was 1,086%. Not is that growth incredibly attractive, but shoes benefit from the change in seasons and ever-evolving styles. Establish a great reputation as an online seller and you can almost be assured of loyalty to your online business – and buyers will come back again and again.

This is another product category that allows for focus on a niche (or a wide product choice). Think dress shoes, reselling popular brands, or focusing on the bespoke casual market. The global shoe market is worth in the region of $365 billion, so it is one of those categories that will reward diligent research and focus.

3. Pencils, Pens and Artistic Supplies.

The growth in this market may not be as stellar as toys or shoes, but it is still impressive at 540% year-on-year. Manufacturers are continually coming out with new products so inventory management can be a bit of a challenge, but for those who can identify the next big thing, the sky is the limit.

New styles of paint, new colors of pencils, multipurpose writing implements, and other innovations mean that online retailers can get themselves a share in the spoils of a sector worth $21 billion globally. But what really makes this segment so attractive is the possibility of buyer segmentation. Buyers range from students and scholars, artists, craft aficionados, luxury buyers, interior designers, and business users (think Fortune 500, corporate gifts and architects).

The sheer number of different segments provides a buffer that evens out sales dips in one part of the inventory. If sales to business users drop – sales to students might be on the uptick.

4. Lingerie.

Here’s food for thought – sales of bras went up over 300% year-on-year (2020 – 2021). Find the right quality product and margins can be very attractive. Bra and panty sets are also showing robust growth. According to Google, there are around 1.5 million searches for the word ‘bras’ every month.

That’s a big market. Again, there are a number of segments that can be addressed, there is intimate wear, push-up bras, fitness bras (a very active segment), and underwire bras (among others). Having an extensive catalog will reward those with a focus on inventory management. These are only a few segments and it is worth repeating that research into what sells online is extremely important. But finding the right partner as far as eCommerce platforms are concerned is also vital. Marketing (especially using social media) is one of the keys to success.

Do your research into eCommerce options prior to jumping in with both feet. This is a competitive environment. However, if you can get it right, you will be on the road to financial independence.

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